Labor Day Loungin'
I honestly can't believe I am already talking about Labor Day - literally, wasn't it just Memorial Day the other weekend?? The end of summer is always so nostalgic and filled with a sense of anticipation, and, somehow, each year, it speeds up the older (....umm, mature?) you get. Either way, another summer has come and gone, and now it's time to max out and celebrate the last weekend of summer!!
If you are planning on grilling, which I definitely am, you can look back at these essential grilling tips (not to mention this killer whole grilled chicken with jalapeño sauce recipe). My focus for this post is going to be on cocktails, because, quite frankly, I'm going to need a few to say goodbye to summer. Not that I don't absolutely love Fall and looking forward to all of the holidays.....Back to cocktails - remember that chili post from last week? Well, I took an open bottle of vodka and threw in a few jalapeños for a spicy cocktail this weekend. Here are a few more that made my list - enjoy!
Just add your favorite spirit - vodka, rum, pisco and tequila all work beautifully here.
Photo: What Gaby's Cooking
Photo: Bon Appetit
Photo: Saveur