This weekend starts the ancient celebration of Diwali, the Festival of Lights. Diwali is arguably the most significant Hindu celebration, marking the Hindu New Year. This celebration of life happens in autumn, after the last summer harvest, to celebrate good over evil, light over dark, and hope over despair…The preparations and rituals last over a 5-day period and, amongst other things, lamps and candles (diyas) are lit inside and outside of the home. Gifts are exchanged, and families feast during this time, but the most important part of the food celebration is the sweet desserts (or mithai).
Mithai were always a mystery to me growing up - they were always so beautiful, brightly colored and sometimes touched with gold leaf. I wanted to show some link love with some of the best mithai recipes out there. Enjoy!
Photo: Veg Recipes of India
Photo: Indian Simmer
Photo: Food52
Photo: Maunika Gowardhan
Photo: My Tamarind Kitchen